Juniors: Ages 6-12 years old
Our Junior Program focuses on our martial arts core values. We believe that the earlier we can instill these values in our children, the more likely they will become respectful, balanced and healthy adults both mentally and physically.
We promote non-violent resolutions to conflict. Yet, we strongly believe a child must develop the skills and ability to defend themselves and understand right from wrong. Students will develop greater confidence and self-discipline as they learn how to act and respond to the world around them. Our young students are treated with respect and are taught to demonstrate the same respect towards others. We believe in praise and encouragement and positive reinforcement. Children who study martial arts do better in school, are more social, and are focused on having and achieving goals.
-Learn goal setting
-Attitude, Behavior and Character Development
-Physical Fitness
We know it takes a village to raise our children which is why all of our classes reinforces positive character and values in a safe yet fun environment.
it is our mission to teach each child the basics of the martial arts, along with the philosophies the martial arts have on character development and being the best you can be both in and out of the dojo. We work with each child on developing coordination, confidence, focus and perseverance through several martial arts techniques and training.